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Process Print Bags

Process Printed Bags
  • Trade Show Bags
  • Special Event Bags
  • Retail Store Bags, etc.
  • Minimum order as few as 3,000
    bags (1 or 2 color print)
  • Can be made biodegradable


Merchandise Bag Handles

Plastic bag handlesDie cut handle
A die cut or punch out handle is an economical choice for light to medium applications

Fold over die cut handle
Great for medium to heavy duty items or applications where the bag will be used for an extended period of time, such as a trade show

Patch handle
Great for medium to heavy duty items or applications where the bag will be used for an extended period of time, such as a trade show

We now offer biodegradable plastic bags and Printed ECO Friendly Reusable bags!
Please call 1-888-898-2247 for more information, or E-MAIL us.

custom printed poly bags

or call us toll free: 1-877-331-6367